The tantric massage is a worship ritual.

Accepting pleasure and sensuality as the driving forces of life are essential components. We have a holistic point of view and see the human being with all its aspects. This therefore goes far beyond a conventional massage treatment. It combines different massage and breathing techniques and is connected to the philosophy of red tantra, a tantric path that also works with sexual energy.

We practise the ritual of the tantric massage naked. It is done with great devotion and enough time in great closeness.In this full body massage, the intimate area is also massaged, unless the client wants something else. Or a more gentle approach can be agreed upon (for example, no intimate massage in the first session). The intention of the tantric massage is to create a new access to the own body for the touched person, to show new spaces of experience and to integrate sexuality as something natural in life.

No, there is no ordinary sex. No sexual intercourse. 
No wanking.

There is a lot of sensuality and a long dance with high erotic energy.

Nevertheless, you can come to orgasm during a tantric massage. However, ejaculation is not seen as the goal of the massage, but rather as something natural that can happen. Each of us ultimately has a very different sensual sensation.

When you learn to understand and master sexual energy, the doors are open for you to move forward in your relationships, in Tantra and ultimately in life itself.

The goal of a tantric path (this could be a series of tantric massages, some tantric workshops, more self-awareness workshops with meditation and bodywork, etc.) is to advance your self-realisation. Pleasure and the ability to become a better lover, to feel multiple and deep orgasms are very nice accompanying effects.

For many people, that is enough. For others, there is also a gain in energy, body image, joie de vivre, self-determination and self-acceptance. Of course, we can also support you in solving sexual problems and blockages.

For spiritually minded people, the ultimate goal of Tantra is to reach enlightenment (nirvana, self-realisation, moksha, whatever it may be called).

We understand tantra massage as an integrating, resilience enhancing contribution in our sexual culture. We like to give our workshops at IKSK (Institute for Body Research and Sexual Culture in Berlin).

Explained in other words (quote from Wikipedia): In neo-tantric and also tantric rituals in general, and in lingam - and yoni massage in particular, it is about the integration of human sexuality and spirituality, that is, it is a spiritual path with physical components; thus about mukti (Sanskrit: mukti) - that is, about liberation, release, freedom; becoming aware of one's own reality and about bhukti (Sanskrit:bhukti) the eating, enjoyment, pleasure. In this context, attachment, upadana (Sanskrit: upadana), can be problematic, as human consciousness has a tendency to attach itself to pleasant experiences and people associated with them, which can lead to suffering. In order to avoid this unnecessary suffering, the tantric path also develops consciousness control and non-attachment (upadana), so that sensual pleasure can become not a source of suffering but an opportunity for intense spiritual experience.Makes sense, doesn't it?

evenings with a specialist.