We see ourselves as pioneers of personal growth for men who love men, whether gay, bisexual, queer or transgender.
We are a beautiful, exciting, internationally diverse community that wants to grow together and experience joy and security on the path to more inner and outer freedom.
Inner growth through fun and connection
Most of us come from more or less lust-hostile, anti-erotic, religious or morally dressed up family and social backgrounds that have shaped our growing up and have anchored themselves in our consciousness in many different ways.
That is why we want to provide one of the best real places where our family can come together and share a lot of joy and fun. We enjoy and promote the sunny side of our sexuality and the supportive and affirming elements of our community of men.
In doing so, we open ourselves to the transformational power of love and to the connection with the spirits, nature and Mother Earth.
Inner growth through real encounter
For us it is clear that we only experience lasting inner growth when we meet ourselves in all aspects and lovingly accept ourselves in all our own facets. This happens through meditation, bodywork, yoga, tantra and many spiritual actions and rituals that we experience together. On our individual path we have the opportunity to meet our own demons, identify them and take away their power to bind us, influence us or hinder us. In our community we offer everyone to be supported by the others to reach more freedom step by step.
The gay world is not homogeneous

Worldwide, we as homosexual people live in a 4-class society. As a parameter of a classification we can choose the possible legal status of a couple relationship: In class 1 are the countries with equal gay marriage (blue) in class 2 there is the possibility of a registered but not equal partnership (light blue), in class 3 we are more or less ignored and in class 4 we are persecuted, put in prison or punished with death.
And even in legally safe countries, we are sometimes still persecuted on the street, mobbed, threatened with violence....  Besides growing up in a lust-hostile family, the situation in which people who live and love a different sexuality all over the world, away from heteronarmative systems, is another part of reality that has a negative and sometimes threatening effect on our lives. It establishes in another way once again the need to live our own values, to realise our dreams, to stick together as a community and to grow and love together.
What does freedom mean to us?
By freedom we mean the ability to make good choices at any time. For this, we need external and internal peace. We understand walking through the kadewe with a new iphone and going shopping with a gold credit card as only a tiny part of freedom. In order to really enjoy freedom, we need material provision, care for ourselves on all levels and consciously dealing with our longing for love, sex, connection and community. In addition, we are also required to find compromises together in a community. Only in this way can freedom become a guarantee of lived dreams.
Every person deserves equal respect and has the right to live their sexuality and spirituality freely. For us, this means that everyone who feels attracted to us should be able to become part of our community, regardless of their age, race, religion, physical appearance or wealth.
It is a fact that we come from sometimes very unequal social and material positions. For men with low income there is the possibility to pay the social price. Provided that this also exceeds financial resources, there is the possibility to support us through cooperation, and there are some "scholarships", as privileged members of our community support less privileged members by paying a higher price.
We are now (still) a part-time community.
Our community consists of many meetings in workshops, retreats, trainings, rituals, individual sessions and private meetings. We always take care to establish and maintain a protected framework.
In addition to our seminar and training offers, we are also developing a small online meeting system so that we can meet each other well and continue to grow together among like-minded people.