We organise ourselves as a network of committed and experienced trainers who enjoy working together to ensure a healthy and sustainable framework for the growth of gay, bisexual, trans and queer men.
We exchange ideas at our retreats and festivals and share our experiences in trainers' meetings.
You can read about the values that guide us, spirituality, sexuality and so on in the other sections of the About Us section here.
Some of our guiding principles are:
Integration of experiences
We now design our workshops, festivals and retreats to give you enough time to digest the experiences.
We don't want to overwhelm you with intense experiences and then leave you alone to process them. For this reason, we place great emphasis on integration. This happens on several levels:

Nature has a spiritual function
Wide open landscapes, open skies, forests and water are able to absorb and wash away many impressions and emotions. They can also help you connect with other beings on a deeper level. Let your thoughts and emotions float between your body and the natural environment... These moments of connection hold a lot of power that can support you positively in everyday life for a long time. In our retreats and festivals, which take place in special places in nature, this can support you very positively.

Elective families
Once a day we will bring you together with other people for a ritual of sharing. Here you have the opportunity to discuss your impressions and feelings and anything else that moves you in a familiar small group and to get rid of everything that is on your heart in a loving setting. It is a wonderful opportunity to listen, learn and feel that you are being listened to without judgement.
Part of being in an elective family is also sharing a small part of everyday life with each other in our events. By doing something for the community in this special group, its positive influences are strengthened.  

Often we try to spend an extended break and a meal together in silence each day. This is an opportunity to connect with yourself and nature. It gives your mind a chance to relax and integrate the experiences you have on a deeper level.

Consciousness and drugs
We always work sober and consciously abstain from drugs and alcohol. We also require this of all participants at our evenings, workshops, retreats and festival.