Our activity aims to open up the possibility for each participant to develop an individually perceived spirituality that is in harmony with their personal development.

We are part of an international network where trainers and participants come from different cultural, religious and spiritual backgrounds. At larger events, we often welcome participants from more than 15 nations on three continents, representing a wide range of religious and cultural beliefs, although we are mostly numerically dominated by European men of white skin with predominantly Christian backgrounds.

In total, we have welcomed participants and trainers from over 40 nations from all continents. These come from a variety of religio-cultural traditions, including Christians from the main streams of Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy, as well as Askenazi, Sephardic, Yemeni and Mizrachim Jews. Sunite and Shiite Muslims are also represented, as are followers of Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism. Furthermore, Hinduists of various currents such as Vishnuism, Shivaism and Shaktism are also included. Also descendants of Native Americans with nature-based beliefs as well as Westerners who grew up traditionally and now combine different spiritual practices are part of our community.

In order to enjoy our workshops, retreats and rituals in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere, we place great emphasis on respecting the different spiritual beliefs of our participants. When our trainers perform sacred spiritual rituals from specific traditions, this is done as an offering to explore and experience something fundamentally new. We are independent of religious institutions, live and teach without guru principle and do not intend to proselytise anyone in any way.